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Music Video & Album Release Party 
June 6, 2021
MC Vaz interview with Leblang Pt1 
March 19, 2021


Nam Radio presenter MC Vaz gets to chat to Singer/Songwriter Leblang about her musical journey thus far on yet another exciting interview of the Focus Show. This is Part 1 of a 2 part series interview so stay tuned and don't forget to Subscribe for more exclusive content.


MC Vaz interview with Leblang Pt2
March 19, 2021


Nam Radio presenter MC Vaz gets to chat to Singer/Songwriter Leblang about her musical journey thus far on yet another exciting interview of the Focus Show. This is Part 2 of a 2 part series interview so stay tuned and don't forget to Subscribe for more exclusive content.


Heart Songs with Kerri Leblang - Azul 4 LOVE your Oxytocin Dealer
February 19, 2021


Heart Songs for Valentine's Day Or other occasions 20% discount. $1500.00 basic production ranges up to $10,000.00 Grammy award winning producer.

Vocal empowerment coaching $100 and hour for adults 6 packs for $475 Sliding scale $50-$75 an hour for kids Coaching one one one Packages $3000 6 months program With production

of heart -song ranges from $2500,00 basic Up To- $10,000.00

for Grammy award winning Producer Heart Songs for Valentine's Day Or other occasions

20% discount. $1500.00 basic production ranges up to $10,000.00 Grammy award winning producer

Social media IG @kerrileblang FB kerri Leblang Leblang music



Leblang Live at Rainbow Bathhouse
February 14, 2021


Leblang shares her debut song 'Firefly' at Rainbow Bathhouse in Sedona, AZ.

Kerri Leblang - 'Firefly' Launch Party
November 8, 2020


Leblang launches her debut song 'Firefly' at Creekside Cafe in Sedona, AZ.

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